
Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club is proud to serve youth in Windsor,  Essex County and Chatham Kent.

The Bryerswood Optimist Club is in the process of obtaining ownership of a camp property located on Texas Road in Amherstburg. The Club has a signed agreement of purchase for the property and the sale is to close  October 30, 2021. The camp property is over 25 acres in size and consists of open areas, a bush lot and a small pond.  Ownership of this property will ensure that opportunities for leadership and life skills, youth empowerment and environmental stewardship experiences for all youth occur in a safe, friendly, supportive setting. When Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, both day and overnight events and camps will be offered. Until then, all events are happening virtually. All Optimist Club members are volunteers. Currently all funds donated will be used to purchase the property.

The Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club wants to help children and youth between the ages of 4 to 18 become the best person they can become. By providing structured programs in an outdoor setting, we focus upon fostering self-esteem, leadership and life skills, outdoor skills and environmental education.

By having one location for the camp, program continuity will be enhanced which in turn will foster a more cohesive program approach. Youth who are able to return each year will be able to develop a long term relationship with  a  single camp property. They will also be able to watch the  long term effects of environmental stewardship programs as they evolve over time.

“Our environment is your opportunity.”